ESBCalc(TM) v4.2 Released 22-January-2003 by ESB Consultancy Copyright (c)1998-2004 ESB Consultancy PO Box 2259 Boulder WA 6449 AUSTRALIA ESBCalc Web Page: ESBCalc support Installation: Run Setup.exe and follow instructions. Includes Uninstaller. Status: Freeware, freely distributable - see License.txt History: See Whatsnew.Txt Other Products: See ESBProducts.pdf This is a small Scientific Calculator that supports full precedence. It does not support Exponential Notation, but does include a number of functions (including Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, & Logarithmic - Base 10, Base 2 & Natural), Paper Trail, Clipboard Support, History of results and more. ESBCalc Pro: if you would like a more featured Scientific Calculator with Exponential Notation, enhanced Paper Trail, more customisation, user defined constants, online help and more, then check out ESBCalc Pro - only $19USD - or grab the whole suite of calculators including ESBUnitConv Pro for only $35USD. More details at: Send email to if you would like to be on a low traffic announcement mailing list for the ESBCalc range of products. Products Used ============= Developed in Borland Delphi 7 using ESBPCS v3 (not yet released); LMD-Tools 6 Glyphs from GlyFx Executable has been ASPack'ed: Installation uses: Inno Setup Notes on the Calculator ======================= 1. Results are only entered into the History List when the "=" button is pressed. Only the last 10 items are remembered and these are stored in the registry. There is also the option in the History list to clear previous items. The History List only stores displayed values not the internal values. 2. 10^x can be calculated using INV and LOG buttons, or by entering 10 and then using the x^y button. 3. e^x can be calculated using INV and LN buttons, or by pressing the "e" button and then using the x^y button 4. 2^x can be calculated using INV and LG2 buttons, or by entering 2 and then using the x^y button. 5. x^1/y (i.e. the y-th root of x) can be calculated using INV and x^y buttons. 6. Inverse exist for all the Trigonometric functions by using the INV button than one of SIN, COS or TAN buttons. 7. Hyperbolic functions are done by first pressing the HYP button and then one of SIN, COS or TAN buttons. 8. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions are done by pressing INV then HYP (order does not matter so HYP then INV is also okay) then one of SIN, COS or TAN buttons. 9. The Radian/Degree toggle, the number of decimal places and the contents of Memory are saved to the Registry. As is the History. The contents of the Paper Trail are not saved. 10. Using the Thousand's separator is on by default - use the option button next to the Memory display to change this. Copying and pasting results with Thousand's separators may upset some edit fields. 11. Decimal Point and Thousand's separator should be displayed in what ever character the Regional Settings of your MS Windows 9X/NT/2000/XP is setup for. If you expect to see a ',' for a decimal point but don't then you may still have US (or something similar) settings. 12. When using XP Style Buttons under Windows XP, the colour options for the buttons will be ignored. 13. Last Error (under info button) displays details about the last error that occurred. AC clears this. 14. % functions as an infix operation, thus 25 % 10 calculates 10% of 25 and would return 2.5 - it does not currently support operations such as 25 + 10 % which some calculators interpret to mean add 10% of 25 to 25 thus 27.5 Keyboard Shortcuts: Besides the obvious ones: / - same as divide button ^ - same as power (x^y) button A - same as AC - All Clear - button C - same as C - Clear - button _ - same as change sign button Also hitting Enter/Return is the same as hitting the equals button. Known Problems ============== 1. Due to the lack of support for Scientific Notation, ESBCalc does sometimes cause "funny" things to happen when number get too large. Check out ESBCalc Pro if you need to play with bigger numbers. 2. ESBCalc may not view correctly when cetrain "Large Fonts" are used and certain Themes. Try selecting a different Font and/or Theme. We improved on this significantly with v4. 3. When dealing with a large number of digits and having thousands separators on can cause the fields to "overflow". Try adjusting Font and/or Font Size till you find one that you are happy with. Support ======= Send your support questions to Please let us know of any problems and especially let us know of things you would like to see added. --- ESB Consultancy